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New Hair Transplant Clinic in Orissa
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Hair transplant and hair restoration are their main focus of service, though they have vast experience in other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Bhubaneswar, India (August 14 ,2018) – Here is a good news for those who want to get hair transplant done. Radiance Hair Clinics, a 10 years old organization carries out hair transplant procedures using the best technique. Orissa has become a preferred destination not only for an enchanting holiday but for hair restoration procedures as well.

Since there are many clinics that do hair transplant procedures, patients must consider many factors that include communication, sanitation and the medical team of the clinic and the cost of the procedure. Radiance Hair Clinics is managed by experienced plastic surgeons with years of extensive experience in the field of hair transplant. Their service includes hair restoration and hair transplant.

Aside from being handled by accredited plastic surgery specialists. They have years of extensive experience and are very well qualified to carry out the hair transplant operations on their clients. Their services also includes various cosmetic surgical procedures such as bio hair transplant, body hair transplant, mustache hair transplant and eyebrow hair transplant.

Hair transplant and hair restoration are their main focus of service, though they have vast experience in other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Their clinic is located along First lane, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. For consultation and appointment, you can call them and speak to their friendly operator.

To know more about Hair Restoration and Radiance Hair Clinics, visit

Media Contact:
Radiance Hair Clinics
Phone: (0674) 255-2550
Address – N/1-46, IRC Village,
First lane, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.


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