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Muhammad Ali Khan
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Heating and air conditioning
AddressOffice:561 Acorn Street, Deer Park, NY 11729
Phone+1 (800) 531-2160


AC Maintenance | HVAC | Residential | K2 Mechanical



A broken air conditioner doesn’t benefit anyone, especially in the heat of the summer. If you are experiencing any of the following warning signs, it may be time to enlist our help!

Warm Air – If you feel warm air blowing out of your vents, check your thermostat. Ensure it is switched to cooling mode and is set lower than your home’s current temperature. If your vents continue to blow warm air, airflow could be restricted or your compressor may need repair.

Frequent Cycles – While your air conditioner should be turning on more frequently on the hottest days, it should not be cycling on and off constantly. If your cycle isn’t as routine as it once was, our experts can diagnose and fix the issue.

Leaks, Odors, or Unusual Noises – If your air conditioning system is doing anything unusual, it is a sign that something is wrong. Liquids should not accumulate or leak into your home. Bad odors can indicate microbial growth in your unit or duct work. Loud, sudden, or unusual banging noises can be a sign of a loose or damaged part.


When you enlist our air conditioning maintenance services, we provide options that effectively maximize your unit’s efficiency. Our preventative maintenance options are available for all brands, models, styles, and makes of air conditioning units, including ductless.

Our ac installation, repair, and maintenance services are fast, non-invasive, efficient, and cost-effective because we have a team of experts for every service we provide. Our motto is to serve our customers to the best of our abilities and we have taken pride in doing just that for over 14 years.

Reach out to us now to request a FREE estimate for our residential air conditioning installation and maintenance services! We proudly provide service to homeowners throughout Melville, Islip, Woodbury, Westbury, Deer Park, Farmingdale, Huntington, Jericho, Hicksville, and the surrounding communities.

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K2 Mechanical
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AC Maintenance | HVAC | Residential | K2 Mechanical https://www. k2mechanical. com/residential-air-conditioning-solutions/