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Belview Floorcare
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Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services in Rochester, NY. Belview Floorcare
Address19 Bobby Dr
Phone+1 (585) 317-4614
Contact personDavid Belliveau
Working hours08am -10pm

If you are a homeowner or business owner in Rochester NY, and in need of professional carpet cleaning services, Belview Floorcare is the company to rely on to do the work in the best way possible that is guaranteed to leave the results that you will be happy with.

Belview Floorcare was started by owner David Belliveau in 2015, and he only hires highly trained and good quality technicians so the steam cleaning is done in a professional way that will keep clients happy. Only top-notch equipment is used along with non-toxic products that are environmentally safe. This way, you never have to worry about inhaling toxic fumes from any of the products that are used.

Even though it is essential to have your carpet professionally cleaned once a year, and twice if you have young children and/or pets. However, in order to maintain carpet on your own during the time in between cleaning, there are some tips that you can use in order to keep your carpet healthy.

Even though vacuuming will not remove embedded dirt in the fibers that Belview Floorcare will remove through their professional carpet cleaning service- vacuuming is important to do at least once a week in order to remove surface dirt. Be sure that your vacuum is powerful and that you change the bag once it starts getting full so the dirt and dust do not fly out which would defeat the purpose.

Another way to maintain your carpet properly is if a spill happens, be sure to act fast in order to clean it up right away so the spill does not turn into a stain. All stains are different due to the different type of substances, however in most cases, if a spill happens- take out your white vinegar and use 1/4 of a cup of that, and then one tablespoon of liquid dish detergent, and place both in a spray bottle and fill the rest of it with water. Shake up the mixture and spray the area of the carpet that has the spill.

Then take a dry white rag, and be sure to blot, don't rub, but blot the stain and keep doing it until the stain is removed. When it comes to old stains, you will want to do the same thing but then sprinkle some baking soda in order to extract the leftover embedded stain. Then let it sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum it up. The stain should be gone after that.

As long as you use these tips to maintain your carpet, then you can have a professional cleaning done less often and the work will be less extensive as well.

Belview Floorcare also offers professional tile and grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning, concrete cleaning and epoxy flooring installation.

The technicians provide these service with excellence and take great care of your home and office, and they provide a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. This way you never have to worry. Contact them today for your free quote.


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Congratulations! You have decided to get a professional carpet cleaner to steam clean your carpeting.