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Black Tea
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Excellent fullness with subtle China sweetness. Only produced during March and April, when the mountain air is moist and cool.
White Tea
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The tea garden locates at southeast coast of China, with sea to the east, enjoys warm climate, abundant rainfall and without cold winter or hot summer.
Decaf Tea
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A full-bodied tea with some fruity notes. Infusion: Cup tends bright, consistent with high quality tea.
Rooibos Tea
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Green Rooibos Tea is a perfect caffeine free cup of tea. Anyone can drink Rooibos Tea including those who do not want to drink caffeine such as children and pregnant women.
Oolong Tea
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Floral-like orchid notes with a smooth and haunting finish. This is an excellent vintage Ti Kuan Yin which has no calories when consumed without milk or sugar.
Blooming Tea
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This tea is exceptionally beautiful in its appearance and is one of the exuberant versions of oolong tea. It is a highly fermented type of oolong tea.
Flavored Tea
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Delightful combination. Heady Madagascar vanilla flavor highlights the exotic Turkish hazelnut extract. Excellent sweet nutty finish with light cream notes.
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