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Cosmetic Dentistry
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Cosmetic Dentistry A more healthy, white, beautiful smile will not only make you more attractive, it will also boost your self-confidence, make you happier, and literally add a few years to your life.
What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?
In many ways, cosmetic dentistry is similar to general dentistry. General dentistry focuses on maintaining oral health and includes routine and restorative dental procedures. Cosmetic dentistry ensures the proper health and appearance of your teeth. It typically involves elective dental treatments to address a variety of aesthetic and health concerns.
Common procedures in our center range from the relatively simple, such as teeth whitening, to more complex dental care such as implants that require specialized expertise.

Who Should Consider Cosmetic Dentistry?
Dental wear and defective teeth affect the appearance of your smile, negatively impacting your self-esteem or the way others perceive you. At Precision Dental our cosmetic dentists combine various techniques and the latest technology to treat the following problems:
- Spaces or gaps between the teeth
- Discolored teeth
- Crooked teeth
- Gummy smiles
- Small or short teeth
- Crowded or rotated teeth
- Unsightly or stained fillings

Depending on your concerns, our doctors can improve the position, color, size, shape, or alignment of your teeth. The treatment can include adding veneers or crowns, teeth whitening, or orthodontics.

What Cosmetic Dental Procedures Are Offered?
The following provides a brief explanation of the cosmetic procedures offered by our dentists at Precision Dental.

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening: Over time, nearly everyone’s teeth become stained and worn from food, drinks, medication and personal habits such as smoking. A professional teeth whitening treatment by our cosmetic dentists can restore your teeth to their natural appearance while boosting your self-confidence and making you look more attractive and even younger.

Tooth-Colored Fillings: Tooth-colored fillings, sometimes called white fillings, are dental fillings that more naturally mimic the look, feel, and function of your natural teeth. The tooth-colored fillings is made of a strong composite resin that bonds directly to the enamel and dentin (the bony tissue just beneath the enamel) of your tooth and provides a durable, long-lasting solution – a solution so strong you could bite into hard or crunchy foods without damaging your dental work.

Inlays and Onlays: Dental inlays and onlays are restorations used to repair rear teeth with mild to moderate decay or cracked and fractured teeth that are not sufficiently damaged to need a crown. An inlay, which is similar to a filling, is used inside the cusp tips of the tooth (the bumps on the top of a tooth). An onlay is a more substantial reconstruction, similar to the inlay but extending over one or more of the cusps of the tooth.

Veneers: Porcelain veneers are placed on the surface of your teeth and are indistinguishable from the rest of your real teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide variety of dental flaws, such as chipped or broken teeth, misaligned teeth, and severe staining or discoloration.

Lumineers: Lumineers are similar to veneers in that they are placed on the surface of your teeth to correct dental flaws. One advantage of Lumineers is that we don’t need to remove healthy tooth structure to prepare your teeth. This means that Lumineers can be taken off at some point in the future, if necessary.

Crowns: A crown is a dental restoration that is used to cover a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury. All-porcelain crowns are a vastly preferred alternative to metal crowns because they look and feel like your natural teeth, and their durability makes them a long-lasting choice for the front teeth that show when you smile.

Fixed Bridges: As its name implies, a porcelain fixed bridge replaces missing teeth by using the surrounding teeth as anchors on either side of the gap to create a literal bridge made of a porcelain, artificial tooth. A fixed bridge will not only restore your beautiful smile, it will support your facial tissues for a more youthful look, and help prevent the remaining teeth from shifting.

Dental Implants: Dental implants is one of the most exciting procedures available in cosmetic dentistry today and offer an optimum choice for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants serve as the artificial root to which new teeth are bonded. They are typically constructed of titanium, a strong and safe material that effectively attaches to bone. The procedure to insert dental implants typically involve three steps: the implant insertion stage, osseointegration (the period of healing for the jawbone), and the attachment of the restoration or new tooth.

Precision Dental NYC
21-34 30th Ave,
Queens, NY 11102
(718) 274-2749

Our Location on the Map: Google Maps

Nearby Locations:
Astoria | Ditmars Steinway | Astoria Heights | Jackson Heights | Woodside | Sunnyside Gardens | Dutch Kills
11101, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11105, 11106 | 11372 | 11377

Working Hours :
Monday: 9AM-7PM
Tuesday: 9AM-7PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9AM-7PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9AM-4PM
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Dr. Alex Rubinov is a cosmetic dentist in Midtown NYC.
Business details
Cosmetic Dentistry, Porcelain Dental Crowns, Crown, Lengthening, Porcelain Veneers, Teeth Whitening, Dental Implants, Dentures, Gum Graft, Root Canal Therapy, Periodontal Treatment, Sedation Dentistry