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Live Chat Software for Website
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Live Chat Software for Website Live2support value priced package start at $9.99/month for a single operator login. We also offer a no-obligation 15-day free trial.

Live2support  Web live chat service helps to build loyalty, drive online sales, stimulate ecommerce, and improve order values by extending a helpful human presence. It also augments operational efficiency for real time customer support with its special features and services adaptable to today’s fast-paced world. In fact it has emerged as a go-to solution for personalized, human interactions to create meaningful connections at a fraction of the cost of other popular means.

It is a hosted service don’t need any software downloads and integrates seamlessly with multiple platforms. Live2Support extensive intelligence capabilities examine website visitor behavior through highly accurate and reliable real-time customer data to reactively or proactively deliver chat invitation to the right customer ensuring timely interventions. The analytics graph in dashboard helps to track website traffic, add live chat transcripts and other valuable statistical information over time in addition to its comprehensive real-time reporting system. It provides automatic defined rule based chat distribution, hands-on assistance with co-browsing and snapshot features. Its visitor chat window offer ultimate flexibility, customizability and total compatibility with responses your website.

Live2support also provide personalized deployment services, with a committed success manager,24/7 online support ,multiple location backup with multiple layered data privacy and security in the cloud .Live2support value priced package start at $9.99/month for a single operator login with unlimited chats and website visitor monitoring facility. We offer a no-obligation 15-day free trial for our Silver Package.  We also offer hefty discounts for long-term usage in advance quarterly and annual payment.

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Live2support live chat support has emerged as a go-to solution for live customer engagement to improve customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and drive online sales