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Juvederm Juvederm® is injectable filler used to diminish wrinkles, smile lines, thin lips, flattened cheeks, and under eye hollows.

Juvederm® is injectable filler used to diminish wrinkles, smile lines, thin lips, flattened cheeks, and under eye hollows.

Also known as the “Liquid Face Lift” in the beauty industry, Juvederm is ground-breaking dermal filler used to reduce wrinkles, flatten cheeks, smiles lines and other folds resulting from volume loss. The filler is placed in specific locations to help lift the face in order to restore its natural youthful contours. Within minutes, jowls will be diminished, the jawline sharpened, the brows lifted, and the cheeks plumped.

If you’re looking for a fast, safe, and natural way to turn back the hands of time, then Juvederm might be what you are looking for.

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Other products and services:

Botox Botox
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Botox injections are one of the most famous treatments aimed at reducing wrinkles and preventing the formation of new unappealing lines.
Holistic Acne Program Holistic Acne Program
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At Medical Aesthetics, we take a holistic approach toward the treatment of acne. The causes of acne are multifactorial; therefore, our treatment protocol is individualized to meet our client’s needs.
Business details
Dr. Leslie Gerstman boutique medical spa is located in the heart of SOHO.