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Recording Connection Audio Institute
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Learn Audio Production in a real recording studio from a professional audio engineer/music producer Recording Connection Audio Institute
Address42 Broadway, 22nd Floor, New York, New York, 10004, USA
Phone+1 (917) 768-2780
Contact personJames Petulla
Working hours24/7

The Recording Connection partners with recording studios across the United States for our mentor-apprentice approach to audio education. Students learn in one-on-one sessions with their mentor, a respected local audio engineer, music producer or EDM producer inside the mentor's recording studio. Students spend a minimum of ten hours a week externing in an established recording studio where they gain real-world experience in addition to taking our structured course curriculum.  Programs include:Audio Engineering, Music Producing, Electronic Music (Ableton or Logic Pro), Hip Hop & Beat Making, Live Sound, Live DJ, Music Business and more...


Products and Services

Services Services
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Education, Mentoring