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How to Determine the Cost of Online Food Delivery App Development?
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How to Determine the Cost of Online Food Delivery App Development?
A wrong decision about this can cost you fortunes. For example, every company has hiring models with their own terms and conditions

Ordering food to our places was a part of our routine life. Although this got hampered because of the COVID pandemic. The food ordering apps are witnessing a slump in users and the top-notch brands are already working on the rehabilitation plan. 

For a long time, the online food delivery industry is doing remarkably well and its revenue is expected to surpass 151 million US dollars by next year. This has increased the number of entrepreneurs who are willing to invest in on-demand food ordering apps. 

Thinking about creating this app and making it a success has many hurdles in between. Hence, it is recommended to hire a mobile app developer for analyzing your app idea according to the perspective of a technical professional. 

If you are already considering this proposal seriously then this blog is going to help you know the factors which can increase or decrease your mobile app development cost. By keeping a close eye on these factors you can determine the expenditure that you need to bear for building an on-demand food-delivery app for your business.

Factors that Impact the Online Food Ordering Mobile App Development Cost

The complexity of Mobile App Design

Creating the UX/UI design that offers both simple and innovative experience is a strenuous task. You cannot rely on naive app designers for smooth navigation, quick loading, and interactive elements. Only extensively experienced mobile app designers will be able to create a mobile app that offers seamless navigation as well as high-end designing elements. 

Mobile App Development Platform

There are various mobile app development platforms which are basically operating systems. You need to choose among them according to our target audience. To make them compatible with Android devices, you will have to get an android app development and for Apple devices, you can choose for iOS app development.

The cost will vary according to your choice of platform. Moreover, it is not recommended to lose the audience of any of these platforms. This binds entrepreneurs to get separate versions for the Android and iOS platforms of their food-ordering app. 


Basic Features for MVP

Every mobile app has some basic features which need to be included in the minimum viable product. In other words, there are some features that you cannot compromise with. Some of these crucial features for on-demand food delivery apps are order requests, delivery, cancellation, history, etc. 

Apart from these, you will also have to include features like payment integration and online customer support chat. The inclusion of all of these features will make your online food delivery mobile app usable by the end-users. 

Advanced Features

The above-mentioned features will decide your fixed cost. You can change this cost by choosing among different mobile app development companies. If your budget allows, then you must add certain advanced features to your food app to give it a competitive edge.

Some of these features are push notifications to make your app more engaging, GPS tracking to provide real-time services, and in-app calls to make the delivery seamless as well as safe. The addition of every advanced feature will add to your cost of food-ordering app development. 


When we read about these above-mentioned features, it seems that it is quite easy to create an app at a low cost. But there are more complexities involved in this decision. One of the major struggles is that we fail to choose the right mobile app development company


A wrong decision about this can cost you fortunes. For example, every company has hiring models with their own terms and conditions. Developers’ hiring model has a great impact on your cost. Therefore, it is important to partner with a mobile app development company that is in the industry for a long time and well-known for its reliable policies. 

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