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How to Get Job in USA – Find an Employer to Sponsor Your Work Visa
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How to Get Job in USA – Find an Employer to Sponsor Your Work Visa
In order to pursue a career in the USA, it is necessary to first obtain a work visa. Candidates can explore multiple work visa options

As the most highly desirable destination for ambitious professionals, the USA job market presents a challenging landscape for foreign workers. Most immigrants in the USA work in IT, financial services, business or professional services, manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and retail. Figuring out how to get job in USA is a demanding, yet worthwhile pursuit. 

In order to pursue a career in the USA, it is necessary to first obtain a work visa. Candidates can explore multiple work visa options – depending on their qualifications, field of work, desired period of stay, and visa eligibility. One of the most common and essential eligibility requirements for most visa classifications is a job offer. 

In order to secure a USA Job Visa under most categories, foreign workers must have a valid job offer from a U.S. employer. This requirement can be fulfilled through several pathways:

Personal Network – Exercising one’s personal network of overseas connections is a useful way of identifying employment opportunities in USA.

Intra-Company Transfer – Those who are employed in an MNC in their home country may be eligible to work in a U.S. office that is a branch, subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of their current organization. 

Job Boards and Overseas Job Consultants – Online job boards list numerous diversified job vacancies. This is a useful resource for sending spontaneous applications. Overseas Job Consultants, recruitment agencies and job portals offer a more targeted approach by identifying suitable career prospects and allowing access to an exclusive range of employers who are willing to sponsor foreign workers.

Direct Contact – Sending a resume and a well-written cover letter to prospective employers can lead to a fruitful outcome. Applicants should only target employers who can sponsor foreign workers for a visa that they are eligible for, in industries where job vacancies exist, and where the worker is qualified to pursue jobs.

Wondering how to get job in USA? is an innovative portal designed to connect job seekers with international employers, who can present a valid job offer and facilitate the process of immigrating to the desired country, with the assurance of job security.

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Business details
  • +1 (932) 210-13
  • 307, 3rd Floor, Devika Tower B. No.6, Nehru Place New Delhi - 110019, India
JobsVisas is an online platform that allows prospective immigrants to uncover employment opportunities in abroad by connecting with thousands of listed foreign-based employers.