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Content Snare, has dominated an international software chart coming in second to social media giant
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The software tool, which solves the biggest pain points for web designers, soared up to number two on Product Hunt, a website Cofounder James Rose says is the “holy grail” of websites.

26, August 2017: The software tool, which solves the biggest pain points for web designers, soared up to number two on Product Hunt, a website Cofounder James Rose says is the “holy grail” of websites for product-loving enthusiasts and innovators in the start-up tech space around the world. 

“The idea for Content Snare came about after engaging heavily with web designers who shared a major problem in common,” said James. 

“90% of them identified collecting content from clients as the biggest bottleneck in their business.That was huge, so we dropped what we were doing and put everything into Content Snare.” 

Content Snare is a software tool that helps web designers get content from their clients. It is used by hundreds of designers across the world to keep projects on track and make their businesses much more efficient. 

“We’re all stoked to see Content Snare battling it out on a global stage with Facebook’s new video streaming product,” said James. 

“For a Brissie startup it’s a pretty special result to be mixing it with the biggest and best from Silicon Valley.” 

“We had over 5,000 hits on our website in a 72-hour period as a result of this incredible exposure.” 

“As the listing gained popularity throughout the day, we received a lot of praise from entrepreneurs and web designers all over the world,” he said. 

For example: 

Cas McCullough commented “Congrats on executing a great idea that solves a huge problem for web devs.” 

David Lux said “This one is a great and well-executed idea. I love the simple onboarding design.” 

Dmitry Kornyukhov’s comment reads “Perfectly executed idea! I think it really hits a nail on the head and will make chasing clients a lot easier for lots and lots of web-developers out there.” 

Content Snare is the latest in a successful line of tech platforms emerging from software specialists Aktura Technology. 

With a mission to enable businesses to talk to “‘web developers that don’t suck” Aktura formed their business in Brisbane in 2010. 

See the product at 

For Media Contact:
Person Name: James Rose
Level 4, 155 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
+61 7 3106 3450

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